Personal profile: Paola Degani
Paola Degani
Education : Degree in Political Science, Univ.of Padua (1988), Post Graduate degree in Institution and Techniques of Human Rights Implementation, Padua University (3 y. postgraduate course-1996).
Scientific areas of interest, researches and publications
• Women's Rights and Equal opportunities • Women's Rights and International Politics; • International system of promotion and protection of women’s rights • Violence against women as violation of human rights • Gender Security • Gender dimension of the intercultural dialogue • Trafficking on human beings especially for the purpose of sexual exploitation • Policies on prostitution and trafficking related issues • Mixed flows: refugee as trafficked persons and trafficked persons as asylum claims or refugee •Children’s rights • New forms of traffiicking
Academic activities at University of Padua, Faculty of Political Sciences:
Lecturer in Comparative Politics and in Political sociology
Research contract holder on International criminal law, human rights and the contribution of non-governmental actors
Contract Professor of Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups MA on Institution and Politics of the Human Rights and of the Peace
Professor on Gender Approach to the Internationalisation of Human Rights in the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation
Professor aggregate of Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups and of Human Rights and Women Condition, Master’s Degree Course on Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace
Since 2010, Professor aggregate of Public Policies and Human Rights at Degree Course in Political Science, International Relations, Human Rights, and at Degree on Institution and Politics of the Human Rights and of the Peace,
Since 2013, Professor aggregate of Women’s Human rights in the Master’s degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance,
Since 2003, Training in many courses devoted on the enforcement of professional on the matter of the role of Police in the prevention of the human rights violations and in the promotion of their respect, especially on racism and related issues for Minister of the Interior, Public Security Department
International Research, training activities and other roles:
2004 expert on trafficking in human beings in the Women East Smuggling Trafficking, EU Interreg III B CADSES Activity of Information, training, awareness raising for the public Urban Safety Operators, Administrators and Management staff- Police forces- Traffic police- Social workers.
2006: Project coordinator of Daphne II Project: Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Young People. An educational toolkit for teachers and students (to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk
2007: Participation at the European Research Project on Intercultural Dialogue for the Development of a New (Plural, Democratic) Citizenship, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence of the University of Padua, with University of Lodz, European Institute, Poland - PanteionUniversity, Athens and ECSA-Greece University of Malta, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence ECSA-Japan and ECSA-Mexico
2007: Expert on trafficking in person in EU Agis Project on protection of victims of trafficking
2008/2009 /2010 Participation to the project Acting for stronger private-public partnerships in the field of identification and support of child victims and at risk of trafficking in Europe, AGIRE: Save the Children, Austria, Greece, Italy and Romania.
2011: Human rights expert for the Council of Europe(Special Representative of the Secretary General for Roma) in training course for lawyers defending Roma, (report on The presence of Roma people in Italy)
2013: Member of the Scientific and Technical Committee, Trainer and Scientific responsible of the final conference of the EU Project STOP FOR BEG, AgainST emerging fOrms of trafficking in Italy: exPloited immigrants in the international phenomenon of FORced BEGgging
2014-2015: Scientific Coordinator of the EU Project TEMVI Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality Forced criminal activities as a new form of exploitation in human trafficking: knowledge and human rights based practices through pilot research and multi-agency training and prototype-procedures.
2015: Member of the Direction of the Anti Violence Centre of Padua (Italy)
Education : Degree in Political Science, Univ.of Padua (1988), Post Graduate degree in Institution and Techniques of Human Rights Implementation, Padua University (3 y. postgraduate course-1996).
Scientific areas of interest, researches and publications
• Women's Rights and Equal opportunities • Women's Rights and International Politics; • International system of promotion and protection of women’s rights • Violence against women as violation of human rights • Gender Security • Gender dimension of the intercultural dialogue • Trafficking on human beings especially for the purpose of sexual exploitation • Policies on prostitution and trafficking related issues • Mixed flows: refugee as trafficked persons and trafficked persons as asylum claims or refugee •Children’s rights • New forms of traffiicking
Academic activities at University of Padua, Faculty of Political Sciences:
Lecturer in Comparative Politics and in Political sociology
Research contract holder on International criminal law, human rights and the contribution of non-governmental actors
Contract Professor of Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups MA on Institution and Politics of the Human Rights and of the Peace
Professor on Gender Approach to the Internationalisation of Human Rights in the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation
Professor aggregate of Human Rights and Vulnerable Groups and of Human Rights and Women Condition, Master’s Degree Course on Institutions and Policies of Human Rights and Peace
Since 2010, Professor aggregate of Public Policies and Human Rights at Degree Course in Political Science, International Relations, Human Rights, and at Degree on Institution and Politics of the Human Rights and of the Peace,
Since 2013, Professor aggregate of Women’s Human rights in the Master’s degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance,
Since 2003, Training in many courses devoted on the enforcement of professional on the matter of the role of Police in the prevention of the human rights violations and in the promotion of their respect, especially on racism and related issues for Minister of the Interior, Public Security Department
International Research, training activities and other roles:
2004 expert on trafficking in human beings in the Women East Smuggling Trafficking, EU Interreg III B CADSES Activity of Information, training, awareness raising for the public Urban Safety Operators, Administrators and Management staff- Police forces- Traffic police- Social workers.
2006: Project coordinator of Daphne II Project: Human Rights and Trafficking in Women and Young People. An educational toolkit for teachers and students (to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk
2007: Participation at the European Research Project on Intercultural Dialogue for the Development of a New (Plural, Democratic) Citizenship, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence of the University of Padua, with University of Lodz, European Institute, Poland - PanteionUniversity, Athens and ECSA-Greece University of Malta, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence ECSA-Japan and ECSA-Mexico
2007: Expert on trafficking in person in EU Agis Project on protection of victims of trafficking
2008/2009 /2010 Participation to the project Acting for stronger private-public partnerships in the field of identification and support of child victims and at risk of trafficking in Europe, AGIRE: Save the Children, Austria, Greece, Italy and Romania.
2011: Human rights expert for the Council of Europe(Special Representative of the Secretary General for Roma) in training course for lawyers defending Roma, (report on The presence of Roma people in Italy)
2013: Member of the Scientific and Technical Committee, Trainer and Scientific responsible of the final conference of the EU Project STOP FOR BEG, AgainST emerging fOrms of trafficking in Italy: exPloited immigrants in the international phenomenon of FORced BEGgging
2014-2015: Scientific Coordinator of the EU Project TEMVI Trafficked and Exploited Minors between Vulnerability and Illegality Forced criminal activities as a new form of exploitation in human trafficking: knowledge and human rights based practices through pilot research and multi-agency training and prototype-procedures.
2015: Member of the Direction of the Anti Violence Centre of Padua (Italy)
Country: | Italy |
City/town: | Padova |